Overview of MIPR

A Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) is used when one department within the DoD (or any non-DoD department) requests for goods or services that can be provided by another site / department (through an existing contract, for example). The MIPR provides funding information and a description of the goods and services required. The MIPR is created by the requesting agency, it is generated on the DD-448 standard form and send to the assisting agency.

When the MIPR is received, the assisting agency must formally accept or reject MIPR by completing DD448-2 form, Acceptance of MIPR form. Primarily the Acceptance of MIPR form has funding information, Reimbursement Order (Category I) or Direct Citation (Category II) based on which receiving/invoicing/payment processes are determined. The MIPR acceptance form is sent to the requesting agency.

The assisting agency determines whether to use the Reimbursement Order (Category I) or the Direct Citation (Category II) method of funding. With the Reimbursement Order (Category I), the assisting agency pay for the items up front and is then reimbursed by the requesting agency. With Direct Citation (Category II), the requesting agency provides the funds up front.

An example of where a MIPR might be used is when an enhancement/fix needs to be applied to a software/system that is implemented at multiple government agencies. While one agency may be overseeing the contracting services that are responsible for developing the fix, the agencies that will benefit from the enhancement provide a certain percentage of the funds to pay for the software enhancement. These funds are recorded in the form of a MIPR and sent to the overseeing agency. The overseeing agency then receives the MIPR in the contracting system.

Funding Methods

There are two funding methods for a MIPR: